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 News Archive 2021

IRS is resending the second round of stimulus checks
by Nathan'ette Burdine: January 21, 2021

After the hiccup of Turbo Tax and H&R Block getting folks’ second round of stimulus checks, the folks over at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) decided they better resend the second round of stimulus checks to eligible taxpayers’ bank accounts or mail boxes instead.

In an updated statement issued last Monday, the IRS wrote , “The IRS continues to take additional steps to get the second Economic Impact Payments to more eligible taxpayers. In addition to redirecting payments to the proper account in recent days to a larger group of people (see below), the IRS and tax industry partners worked over the weekend to help a smaller set of impacted taxpayers. The IRS regrets the inconvenience and greatly appreciates the assistance of our tax industry partners in helping accelerate a resolution of this issue.”

Turbo Tax and H&R Block want folks to know they aren’t “partners” in crime with the IRS and that all they, Turbo Tax and H&R Block, do is prepare taxes; whereas it’s the IRS’ business to determine where y’all’s money goes.

The IRS, though, isn’t taking all the blame for y’all’s $600 going to Turbo Tax and H&R Block. The IRS claims that the fault lies with y’all because y’all gave the agency either the wrong bank account information and or the wrong address.

As evidence of the error really being on y’all’s part, the IRS points to the wrong information that y’all provided and will more than likely see whenever y’all check the “Get My Payment” tool. “For those taxpayers who checked Get My Payment and received a response indicating a direct deposit was to be sent to an account they do not recognize, the IRS advises them to continue to monitor their bank accounts for deposits.

The IRS also wants y'all to know that the information y'all see in the Get My Payment tool, including the account numbers and potential deposit dates, may not display an accurate number as we continue to work through updates.”

Just to add a little more salt into that wound, the IRS doesn’t want y’all calling them, Turbo Tax, or H&R Block. Because hey, everybody is already bogged down trying to fix y’all’s errors of not writing down the correct banking account and or address on y’all’s tax foms. “No action is necessary for taxpayers as this work continues; they do not need to call the IRS, their tax provider or their financial institution.” Mm-hmm, that’s what the IRS wrote.

The IRS began sending out the second round of stimulus checks on December 29, 2020. In order to be eligible for the second round of stimulus checks, a person must have filed taxes for the 2019 year.

A single person will receive $600, married couples will receive $1200, and a person or a married couple will receive $600 for every child. Basically, if you’re a single parent who has a child under 18 or who is dependent upon you to live, then you’ll get $1200. And if you’re a married couple who has a child under 18 or who is dependent upon you to live, then you’ll get $1800. Therefore, if you haven’t received your $600, $1200, or $1800, then you should be getting it soon.

Just remember, don’t call the IRS, Turbo Tax, or H&R Block, they’ll notify you with either a check in your bank account or a check in your mailbox.

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